lundi 2 avril 2018

Slightly less golden.

I finally have some time in the day to take pictures with natural light, as my previous ones were under the very VERY yellowish living room lightbulb. So I haven't really provided the step by step here, but please enjoy a bunch of pictures.

Sisters are doing it for themselves.

Extra crispy heretic psykers.

Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-MELT YOUR FACE

Baby got back.

Saint Seiya Gold Cloth Trajann.

Pretty sure PETA won't be happy.

Because what's better than Custodes? Teleporting Custodes!


More bling than a 1996 West Coast rapper.

Shield-captain without a shield.

Design by Imperium for men.

Go get that 2+ save.


AC and the Sunshine Band.
Airbrushed with Vallejo Burnt Iron and Duralumin.

The same after a coat of Nuln Oil
Next group to be done!

2 commentaires:

  1. indeniablement des progres sur tes compétences en photo et en peinture
    le coté bronzé cheuveux blanc est un tres bon contraste.

  2. Je rajouterai sacré production également ce qui est toujours très bien!
    Un point d amelio : les socles devraient être plus en contraste ( si je me trompe pas le socle c’est du sable ) j aurai sauc le sur du gris.
    Pierre ou décor industriel.
    Ça aurait fait ressortir le doré des fig
